When remodeling a bathroom, most people discover that the bathtub is the hardest part of all. This is mostly due to the fact that it is a very large, heavy item that requires you to work in a tight area. Even though it is not always easy to install a new bathtub, it can be done by most of the people who want to do it themselves. You just need to prepare ahead of time and make sure that everything will fit the way you want it to.
Unless you plan to gut the entire bathroominstall bathtub, you need to take accurate measurements of the tub that is already in place. The reason for this is simple. If your tub fits inside of its own little cubby hole and it is surrounded by walls on three sides, a new bathtub that is just a little smaller or larger could cause you major issues when installing. If your measurements are true, you will have a simple installation that may be a little annoying, but not impossible to manage.
Your first step is going to be removing your old bathtub and then add the braces for your new tub. You need to measure it out and follow the directions from the tub manufacturer to find out where the ledger boards need to go. This will be followed by you attaching the plumbing for the new bathtub to the pipes you have installed in your home. The tub will need to be put into place during this time as well, so unless you have a good access panel, it could be the hardest part of your installation.
Once you have finished with the plumbing, it will be time to secure the tub. You may have to drill holes if there are none. After that is finished, you will want to nail the tub to each stud within your walls. If the holes do not align with the studs, you may want to re-drill or nail the studs just above the flange so that he nail heads will catch the flange.
If you are installing a freestanding tub, you will have a lot fewer issues with the installation process. Especially if you already have a free standing tub and the new one will be able to use the same plumbing as the one you want to replace.