If you are in the process of remodeling your bathroom, there are a few things you need to consider. Mostly, it involves the space that you have in your bathroom. You need enough space for your bathroom vanity if you are changing it out, you need the space for cabinets and shelving that you may want put into the bathroom, and you also need to consider the size of your shower stall or tub. The tub is perhaps the most difficult. For some reason, people who hope to change it out often feel that one tub is just like all others, except for claw foot tubs. Those people also end up disappointed when their new tub does not work. To save you from making the same mistake, you should find out what type of things to consider before installing a new bathtub.
bathtubBefore you head off on a shopping adventure, you need to first look at the tub inside your home. If your tub is surrounded by walls, you need to measure the bathtub. If you purchase a tub that is not an exact fit for the cubby hole your tub sits into, you may have to work extra hard to move your walls around. You should also take measurements to ensure that taking out the old tub and bringing in the new one will be easy to do. There have been times when people attempted to change out their bathtub only to discover that the bathtub would not fit through their bathroom door. While standing beside your tub, take notice of which end of the tub has your water supply. You will want to find another tub that has it on that side if you want to avoid re-plumbing your bathroom.
When you go shopping, take your list of measurements with you. Do not hesitate to measure the bathtubs that you like to make sure that it will fit. A store employee may be able to help you narrow down your choices by looking at your measurements. If you have a tub with unique measurements, they may also be able to order the tub style that you want in a size that will fit the area you have available. This way, when you go home and start working to improve your bathroom, you will know that it will go smoothly from start to finish.